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CES main expo hall

For some, the decision to revoke the CES Innovation award given to Lora DiCarlo seems anti-woman, anti-progressive, and out of touch

where society is compared to past norms observed at CES. The Osé could be a revolutionary device in the sex tech industry. Built with the input of hundreds of women and with new information learned about female anatomy and how women derive pleasure, the Osé could help numerous women experience more satisfying sex lives and more fulfilling lives in general. This can increase happiness and potentially improve a number of facets for these women, including: productivity, creativity, and mental well-being.


The benefits of the Osé are not the point in this debate. Sex is still taboo and something that is thought to be a topic that should not be discussed in public. If so, it is still met with condemnation and shame by many segments of the population. This leaves the Consumer Tech Association in a no win situation. The Consumer Tech Association has to maintain its image and not cause irreparable harm to its business relationships. Some of their clients and sponsors would not find such innovations socially acceptable and will choose to partner with others and spend their money elsewhere. CTA could risk this or rescind the selection of Lora DiCarlo for the award. Someone is going to be unhappy regardless and CTA found in out in its rules and regulations governing award eligibility.


As part of the conditions set by the association, it is stated that entrant electronic devices must not be “immoral, obscene, indecent, profane or not in keeping with the CTA’s image”. As part of this guideline, the Consumer Technology Association makes it clear that offending product sponsors may be disqualified at the association’s discretion. Just like with terms of service, the rules are solely up to the interpretation and enforcement of the governing body.


Should this then mean that Osé should find a showcase at the adult entertainment expo or some other venue that embraces or celebrates sex? This is not specifically true either. Osé is not an instrument synonymous with pornography or the adult entertainment industry only. The product is for personal use by responsible adults, and sex is a vital important aspect of being human. The design is not meant to be provocative, illicit, or obscene. If Osé makes a cultural statement or offends people this is up to interpretation by its proponents or its critics. Besides, products that are associated with sex are not explicitly banned from CES. Sex robots have been featured there as well as other innovations so long as they were not found in CTA’s opinion to violate its standard.