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Who are the role models that inspire today's youth? Who provides the example that they will choose to emulate in this impressionable time in their lives?


Youths are very active members of any society. The age group is characterized by active involvement in a lot of activities like sport, music, drama and others.  A lot of young people always look forward to learning and knowing a lot about life and the society, by looking at some set of people in the society. The category of people they desire to learn from ranges from their personal disposition to things. Their models range from personal hobbies and likes.  Career choices also affect young people in their choice of role models. A lot of young people follow people who are in the limelight i.e celebrities in the world today. Below are the various set of people in various sectors of the world, that young people look up to as role models.

SPORTMEN AND WOMEN: Various sporting activities attract people’s attention, most especially youths. sports like football, basketball, boxing etc., have specific individuals who stands as signatory for them. For example, football players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, have great number of followers around the world. Most people love to be associated with them, their fashion styles, playing styles and all.

Movie personality: Youths are known for their love of movies and films produced by various  actors and actresses in various film industries in the world. Young people love to identify themselves with various characters portrayed by those actors.  Various characters and behaviors associated with young people have been traced to some movies. Also a lot of youth have developed interest in filming as a result of the movies they watch.

FASHION MODELS:  A lot of fashion styles, design, and fashion wears worn by youths are connected to fashion styles worn by models in the world. In the world today, new fashion trends are catalyzed by fashion models, as a lot of young people look up to them and model their dressing patterns closely to what they see from fashion models.

MUSICIANS: A close study on celebrities’ youths follow on various social media platforms are musicians. Musicians pull great attention from various age grades in the world and youths are the first call of action. Musicians dressing patterns, hobbies, choice of cars, etc. are copied by youths in the world. Behavioral patterns, career preferences and hobbies are not stand alone choices from youths. A lot of these choices are associated with various personalities and celebrities in the world.

Young people are in their growing stages, and this stage is characterized by their desire to learn new things Which is a  major reason for role models to live a life that is worthy to emulate.