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float capsule

Floating is a therapeutic activity where people seek rest and relaxation, pain relief, stress relief, or help with sleep and mood through meditation in water that has a salinity high enough for the body to be fully buoyant. Accompanying the exercise of suspension, some float spas offer sensory deprivation where people can float in darkness and with silence. Advocates and fans describe the activity as a deep meditative and restorative practice. We'll see.


I had heard about the use of float therapy by professional athletes, but I had never tried it personally. While attending a business fair, there was a vendor promoting itself as a float spa where you could experience all of the benefits associated with floating. On their circulars, the float experience mentioned relief from aches and pains, better sleep, stress relief, improved mood, and lower blood pressure.


I spoke with the staff that was friendly and well spoken. They talked with enthusiasm and vigor in regards to the service. Instead of trying to wow me with some crazy discount or heavy handed sales tactic, the staff emphasized the benefits and what they could do for me. No pressure buy now, the interactions with them were courteous and pleasant.


After considering the opportunity, I decided to try it out and experience it for myself. I visited the location and asked for a tour. The staff answered all of my questions and let me see the first spa room down the hall. The room was clean and had a shower next to an egg-like pod structure. The staff explained how there were ear plugs on the table next to the comfortable chairs adjacent to the shower. Participants would shower first to rinse and shower with soap afterwards to wash off the salt clinging to you after floating. The float vessel was equipped with a sound system and a dim light so that patrons could gradually work their way to sensory deprivation. Floaters could start with nature sounds and dim purples and blues to no sound and no light. The room lights were motion activated and would turn off after entering.


Satisfied with the tour, I booked an appointment for myself. The staff was very friendly and we had a good conversation prior to me leaving. This was followed by a nice discussion and follow up demo when I returned for my appointment. The point of purchase materials and promotional flyers showed the models in bathing suits. I guess I was surprised when they mentioned that it was better to do it au natural, but it was up to the participant to do what they preferred. After rinsing and putting in the ear plugs, I entered the pod to prepare for my first session.


I decided to go halfway to start. No lights, but some nature music. I could hear tropical birds, flowing water, and a light breeze. Initially unaware of the motion lights I thought I would not actually be able to have no lights as some of the room’s overhead lights spilled into the small crack at the end of the pod lid. It eventually turned off and I was able to have my darkness to myself.


Comfortable with the float accessory supporting my neck and cradling my head, I began to notice the oddity of floating suspended across the surface of the medium. I also noticed as my arms moved subtly that I was moving from side to side and up here and there. This sensation would go away gradually as I relaxed and allowed the tension in my muscles to relax. That was when I turned off the sound and ventured into the sensory deprivation phase.


All the stressors were still in my head. The front desk manager had explained that those experienced with meditation would catch on real quick and it really helped him with anxiety and joint pain. He was a true believer. I was skeptical but intrigued by the described experience and was curious what it would be like for me. Could I actually feel the sensory deprivation and would the benefits be palatable and detectable?


After removing the sound, time no longer made sense. It felt like hours or days had passed as I floated. I felt like I was in this surreal inner space as I was unsure if I had fallen asleep or simply lost my bearings of my surroundings. At first, as I floated, I was worried I would never be able to actually relax. Then my thoughts and stress for the day seemed to melt away.  I felt odd but I also warm tranquility in this serene place. It was really awesome even though I was worried that I had been here way too long.


When the lights turned back on, everything was okay. It had only been an hour. I rinsed and washed off the salt and gathered my bearings. I felt really good and relaxed. My back felt decompressed and my joints felt relieved of pressure. There was no hint of anxiousness and I was pleased with the result. The staff had some water ready for me and we chatted for a bit before I hit the road. I am not sure when I will be able to do it again, but I am game to try it again. Great experience.