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Man making an appointment at work

Have you heard of Cryotherapy?

The idea is that by exposing the body to freezing temperatures it will reduce inflammation in the body, promote healing, help with fat loss, provide mental clarity, reduce stress, and ease anxiety and depression symptoms.An individual will stand in a cylinder vessel that projects a freezing environment around their body for duration of 1-3 minutes.


Curious to see and experience this for myself, I decided to try it out in person. Fortunately, there was a provider need by and I made the decision to give it a go. The staff was very nice and gave me a tour of the facility. The attendant explained that it was important to follow procedures for safety. A cryotherapy client would put on booties, gloves, and a robe over undergarments. The individual would then proceed to the cylinder and enter the chamber. Depending on experience and tolerance the individual would withstand one of few different cold tolerances during a session.


Was it cold? Yes, it was cold! The attendant joked with me that this was only level one as we discussed the weather, work, and current events in town. I gradually turned around over and over within the cylinder as I waiting for the session to end. It seemed to linger but I made it through. I did a few more sessions and eventually upped my tolerance to the next tier.


How did I feel afterwards? Rewind for a moment. Prior to my first session, I had lifted heavy weights and was sore from running over the weekend. As a result of the cryotherapy session, the pain was gone. The joints did not ache immediately after and it felt good as the body gradually heated back up. In the evening after a few hours, the aches returned but drowsiness accompanied it during the late evening. Sleep was peaceful and content. This was the consistent experience after each of the three sessions.


Do I recommend it? It felt good and the session did result in pain relief, reduced inflammation, and a good night’s sleep. Is it the right decision for you? There are other therapies that offer similar benefits and may be more effective for you based on your health and current condition. Salt water flotation is an interesting choice and may be a great alternative if you prefer to not stand cold shock. Massage from a licensed therapist can target specific areas of pain and provide targeted relief. Don’t settle for pain and don’t be afraid to consider options that do not involve OTC or prescription drugs.