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Ladies sharing gossip

On a rant for all the ages, he shuts them down with just one photo Slam! An angry celebrity has unleashed a twitter storm as the Internet responds. Frustrated by trolls, she claps back at the haters and shuts them down with one epic social media post. 

With one beautiful act of kindness, the gesture has gone viral after being shared, liked, and reposted.


With sheer brutality, the Internet has decided to shame someone for posting a revealing selfie or because they made a questionable parental choice public on social media. The trolls are in. Like yellow journalism, controversy sells and almost every day the choice to be mean, vain, or insensitive in our interactions with others is easy. Would people do this if they were not anonymous? If there were repercussions to this behavior would it continue?


Affirmations and complimentary quips are hard to come by just like it is hard to find good news before page fifteen of a fourteen page front page section in the newspaper. Let's face it, criticism is normal. Disagreements are normal. However, brutal negativity is not. It is a choice. Instead of choosing the easy route and savagely disparage someone, try being nice for a change. Taking a day off once in a while from unleashing your inner troll will not hit the pause button on the day. People will go on without hearing and witnessing your epic tweet storm or forum rant of epic proportions! Really, it is okay to take a break and not work so hard to prove you are the number one troll.