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Why do people care more about celebrity gossip instead of the good things that many of them do? Why is the negativity on the front page, but the acts of kindness are an afterthought?


When was the last time you heard about Kim Kardashian and Jay Z? What was your reaction? Why would people care too much about celebrity gossip than deals with their problems? It is surprising how people's appetite in celebrity gossip is increasingly affecting their lifestyle, considering the gossip being a combination of bad news and fame. More people become puzzled with the Kardashian sister than ever before. The reason, they are celebrities. We just can’t look away. So why do celebrity gossip interests us so much?

Before the recent gossips, there was the Bieber fever or as some may call it the Bey Hive. Most people were fascinated by the Bey Hive. They were fascinated by everything Bieber did, where he went, where he was spending his time, his girlfriends and much more. In many ways, the Bieber fever showed that the desire to know about celebrities is still there. It hasn't gone anywhere. A study done in 2015 by Chinese researchers showed the how our brains are affected by celebrity gossip. The participants admitted that they prefer hearing a positive gossip about them and negative celebrity gossips.

In this mobile and industrial society, celebrities are the only friends we have in common with our coworkers and new neighbors. They provide common topics and interest of conversation among people who have nothing much to say to each other. The celebrity gossips facilitate informal interactions between people, allowing them to become comfortable in their new surroundings. We tend to make new friends and associates through celebrity gossips

Although social critics claim celebrities have some of the collective character flaws, it is our human fixation on culture. We think that our characters reflect an interest in other people doing, especially famous people.  The phenomenon is a psychological byproduct that has evolved for many years. Humans are easily fascinated by gossip and negative life experiences.

So why do you think charitable acts find space in the body of a newspaper, but screw-ups, mistakes, and negative celebrity gossip are always on the front page? Gossip is socially vital. It is a more complicated phenomenon. The gossip decency is part of human beings and an essential part of a group function and making new associations. When thought of as a social skill than a character flaw, we will continue shaking our heads at new celebrity gossip, rationally dismissing its effect on our brains. After all, gossip is our human nature.