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Why are people infatuated with the reality TV programs like the real housewives or the Kardashians?

The year 2000 saw the explosion of reality TV, with shows such as Big Brother and Survivor hitting the airwaves. Over the years, these reality TV shows have grown into obsessions which people can't seem to get tired of watching. A typical American teenager will most likely have a favorite TV series which takes much of their time when they are not in school. It is common for people to engage in 12-hour binge watching of popular TV series such as Real Housewives or The Kardashians. But the question is, how did we get here?


How did the society become so entangled with the web of these voyeurish shows that add no value whatsoever to their viewers except to make them miserable about their own lowly lives? Why should a rational adult who has work to do and a family to look after devote so much of their time to watching some snobbish people who believe they are living the glamorous life? There have been many explanations for the society's obsession with reality TV shows, and I will be highlighting some of them in this post.


Cheap popularity


One explanation for this behavior has been linked to the society's acceptance of cheap popularity. The way reality TV depicts the lives of its cast members make many people believe they can also become superstars without putting in much effort. You see obscure people on the cast of these shows, and by the next season, they have become stars. It seems that our society's infatuation with minimal effort and success without hard work is one of the driving force for the heavy consumption of reality TV. Or how does one explain the value one gets from watching characters who have poor acting skills and live flamboyant fake lives on the screens? Nothing other than to further denigrate the morals and values of society.





Another reason that has been put forward is that reality TV is a medium of self-validation, it makes us feel better about ourselves. To be honest, some of the scenes on reality TV shows will make you thankful for the kind of person you are. Watching some of the childish fights on shows such as Real wives will leave you thinking highly of yourself. On the flip side, however, the wanton display of affluence and privilege on reality shows can leave you feeling sorry for yourself.


Social engagement


Another reason for the ubiquity of reality TV shows is that the shows have a strong presence on social media. Everywhere you turn to; people are having conversations about the roles of their favorite characters in a particular show. This has resulted in a heightened sense of engagement among viewers who have become hooked and can't have a good day without a dose of their favorite show.


The characters as mirrors


Many of the characters on reality TV shows play real-life roles people can relate to, thus becoming a mirror for many people. Many viewers feel they can relate to what is happening in reality shows and this creates a bond which leads to an obsession with a favorite character.

Our society is hooked on reality TV shows, and the obsession is bound to continue with the extent to which reality shows have dominated the screens. While it is making unknown characters megastars overnight, the networks keep smiling to the bank while the viewer's enjoy some momentary rush of excitement at the other end.